Sagittarius Full Moon on May 29, 2018--A Revolution of Light

Humanity Takes Flight (Sagittarius Full Moon)

 I swear each Moon transit chart grows more exciting or at least intriguing than the last one. And we've witnessed some spectacular Moon transits during the past several years. I am Moon-sensitive and Moon-centric so this is why I post a Full Moon and a New Moon article each month on this blog. While some astrologers focus on the entire month's energies, I believe that Moon transits are more like weather reports in that we see quick changes coming our way. We receive warnings to duck and cover or to share enjoyment with others.

So, with the Sagittarius Full Moon at the end of May 2018, I am going to talk about more than the Sagittarius Moon opposing the Gemini Sun and in a wide square with Neptune. While this Mutable T-Cross holds its weight in this chart, it speaks about the need to move on past illusions. It talks about the need to uncover lies revealed in our dreams and through our spirituality as well as, our artistic endeavors.

This T-Cross tells us to get help with addictions or mental health issues so that our communication is not erratic. I realize there is stigma attached to brain dysfunctions but we are also in an age where with the right healing modalities, we can heal mental health issues and balance our emotions. We are leaving the Pisces Age behind and moving into an age where I believe instant healing occurs, but only if we let it and release us from any victim or martyr roles.

I'm also reminded of something Spiritual Coach Lisa A. Romano said in one of her podcasts, that when we engage in the learning process we are less likely to suffer from anxiety or PTSD because we engage our brains by building new neuro pathways. This is something to consider during the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Oh, there is a lot going on in this chart. And it does not surprise me that the Gemini Sun and the Sagittarius Moon want to speak to us through astrological transits. Astrology has the power to awaken our minds and our souls. Neptune says that astrology also awakens our hearts.

And remember all those huge transits I told you to watch out for in 2018? The seeds get planted in May. Mid-month, Uranus moved into Taurus and is at zero degrees in this chart. It is in a square with Mars which transited into Aquarius, a sign where Mars will transit for 6 months in 2018 due to a retrograde (which we will cover in a future article). And let's not forget that Chiron is at one degree Aries, which sextiles Mars and is also in flowing aspect with the Sun and the Moon (although it is with a wider orb).

However, the big news is a Grand Water Trine with Venus in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter in Scorpio. We can also pull in Pallas which is at 4 degrees Cancer. And then a Golden Triangle with Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces further hightlights this powerful healing energy contained in the Grand Water Trine. And again, it centers around women or the Divine Feminine. It's time to honor the feminine gifts of nurture, intuition, creativity, and cooperation. This speaks about the women's more expansive brain.

I have read articles and books that mention the differences between the male and the female brains. For instance, when women talk they expand on their topics. They also expect the person they are conversing with to also expand and then to explore some deeper emotions. Women's brains possess a bridge between the right and left sides so women also multitask well. And I witnessed that with my mother when I was a child. She spoke on the phone with a friend while cleaning the house or watching television. I never saw my father do multiple tasks.

Normally, the Sagittarius Full Moon speaks of adventure or traipsing off to foreign lands. I don't pick up that feeling with this chart. I think we could still experience expansive joy and many people will feel like joining a crowd or attending a festive event. I am picking up scenarios of spiritual retreats and eco-travel. I'm picking up people gathering together to celebrate sustainable agriculture or perhaps building another cooperative housing community. Or maybe people will join with each other at peaceful music festivals in a sacred setting. I just don't see the usual bar scene or even a lot of alcohol consumption on this day.

Saturn retrograde in Capricorn is putting a damper on things even if it is in flowing aspect with Uranus. I believe that we will experience earthquakes and other Earth events around this Moon and most of us are going to feel more like survivors than thrivors. I believe these events will force us to grow up and evolve quickly. Our hearts will fly open and we realize that without a cooperative spirit, the human race just isn't going to make it into the new age.

This is the day when we release that old belief of "You and me or you and our tribe against the world." It's time to release any idea of clans or tribal nonsense because face it, humanity is really one race and where we're heading is Unity Consciousness.

If you consider yourself a Light Worker than your greatest work starts around this Full Moon. But if you're reading this article before the end of May 2018, then let's allow love in now.

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