Important Astro Transits from March through May 2018--Monumental Shifting
Welcome to the New You
I have procrastinated all morning about writing this transit post. It's because I'm not the most detail-oriented person in the world (not that I'm the worst either), and I don't like tedious work. But March transits are a monumental launching pad for astrological events in April and May.
March 1 Full Moon in Virgo
March 6 Mercury transits into Aries
March 7 Venus transits into Aries
March 8/9 Jupiter goes retrograde
March 17 New Moon in Pisces
March 18 Mars transits into Capricorn
March 20 Equinox
March 22 Mercury goes retrograde
March 31 Full Moon in Libra and Venus transits into Taurus
April 1 Easter
April 12 Venus transits at midpoint Taurus
April 14 Mars transits at midpoint Capricorn (Earth trine with Venus)
April 2 -30, Neptune transits at midpoint Pisces (sextiles Venus and Mars mid-month)
April 19 Saturn turns RX at 9 degrees
April 15 - 23 Chiron dips into Aries (March 30 until April 15 Chiron is at 29 degrees)
April 15 Mercury goes direct
April 15 New Moon in Aries
April 23 Pluto turns retrograde
April 25 Venus transits into Gemini
April 26 & 27 Mars conj Pluto in Capricorn (good day for getting work done)
April 27 Uranus reaches 29 degrees Aries (culmination point until May 14)
April 29 Full Moon in Scorpio
May 14 Mercury transits into Taurus
May 15 New Moon in Taurus
May 14/15 Uranus transits into Taurus
May 16 Mars transits into Aquarius (squares Uranus and forms a T-Cross with Mercury)
May 18 Mercury trine RX Saturn
May 20 Venus transits into Cancer
May 20 - 22 Jupiter trines Neptune (water trine)
May 28 Sagittarius Full Moon (8 degrees)
May 30 Mercury transits into Gemini
May 31 Grand Water Trine with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune (powerful manifestations)
Neptune sextiles Pluto all month
Saturn is at 8 degrees 2 -26 (manifestations)
We have one outer planet, Uranus changing signs in May. We have Saturn and Pluto changing directions in April. And in late March to mid-April, a Mercury RX in Aries is going to sweep throughout lives clearing out cobwebs from our emotional past. Get ready to boogie, folks.
On March 1, we experienced the Full Virgo Moon, which is a trilogy with the Pisces New Moon on the 17th and the Full Libra Moon on the 31st, we are letting the old ways go so that we can make way for the new. If you have been following the ascension and twin flame videos on YouTube then you have an awareness of this shift. Only none of us knows about the size or timing of the shift. And a few people feel jaded since they noticed few changes with the Harmonic Conversion of 1987 and the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012. But let me remind you that we have been shifting since those times. Take a look back five years and notice all the drastic changes in your life. Then look back 20 or 30 years and notice the changes on the planet itself.
The Moons in March feature Golden Triangles which for me contain blessings if we can ride through the tension and stress of those Moons. If we give birth to ourselves we experience a New Earth and perhaps it still resembles the old Earth if we choose to focus on lack, limitation, and fear. If we focus on love then we experience heaven on Earth. Remember as we journey through an "11" year (2+0+1+8 = 11), we find ourselves at a crossroad of fear or love. Since most of us are more familiar with fear than love, choose the unknown path of love. Of course, that's up to you. Please read my posts on the Virgo Full Moon, the Pisces New Moon, and the Libra Full Moon for details.
On March 8/9, Jupiter goes RX in Scorpio. This means that anything we investigate whether that is on the world stage or in our own subconscious (or both), we sort and sift through secrets that show up from the past. This is a time when masks fall off and the truth is revealed. Scorpio digs deep and when it is introspective, it digs even deeper. We delve into personal and global psychology. We discover cures for disease, and we explore deep femininity. Scorpio reminds me of the Divine Feminine along with Taurus and the other Water Signs. And then, on July "11", Jupiter goes Direct and we have all this information we uncovered to help us make appropriate decisions and to take appropriate actions to clean up the planet and to sweep out the dark blocks that have hindered us.
Although this is a minor transit, Mercury goes RX on the 21st of March. And it will go direct in Aries on April 15. the day of the Aries New Moon. And yes, Mercury and the Sun are in Aries. Pisces represents endings or time in the womb between lives or energy and Aries represents birth and entering a new world. So this is significant. Mercury RX goes back and causes us to reflect on our anger (we all have buttons) and to wash away that anger by confronting it first. Fortunately, Aries energy gives us the courage and the Sword of Truth (notice how the word sword contains "word" in it) to cut through any issues we face that prevent us from embarking on a new experience.
Those of you with prominent Cardinal Energies in your Natal Chart, this is crucial work for you. Please don't sidestep this work, or get caught up distractions. Walk through the fire. Then lead the masses.
In April, two outer planets join Jupiter in retrograde motion--Saturn and Pluto. They are both in Capricorn which rules structure, time, space, constriction, patience, karma, the elderly, and how we use or abuse power. The patriarchal energies take a backseat in April despite the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 26th and 27th (this will feel like a push out of the womb into the air). And Mars is the big player in April since the Sun is in Aries, the New Moon is in Aries, Mercury is in Aries and Uranus is completing its tour in Uranus (it is at 29 degrees) the last four days of April.
Okay, so Saturn goes retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18 (9) and 9 represents endings. But this is a slow ending or it seems methodical. It reminds me when you are deleting photos of your computer and windows appear saying, "Are you sure you want to delete these photos"--yes, that is cautious Saturn in Capricorn. And my answer is "yes". Do we want to say goodbye to the grey-haired daddy figure we call God in the sky and the patriarchal rulers and replace them with a balanced Mother-Father God? And what role did Mary Magdalene play when she walked the Earth with Jesus? Did she not also carry the Christ energy within her? And what is her role now? Stay tuned.
Pluto (another autocratic planet) goes RX on April 23 (5) at 21 degrees (3). This is experienced as moving backward but not too far back because we closed all those doors behind us given the transformation process. Just like we can't return to First Grade and wear the same clothing we wore then, we also won't be able to return to old times no matter how much we immerse ourselves in nostalgia. Pining for the past is not the same as reclaiming our power. However, by returning to events from the past we can set the intention to heal those events now and to drop the burdens we have been carrying for years or even decades.
In April, both the Aries New Moon and the Full Scorpio Moon carry Mars signatures. The first moon is masculine and the second one is deeply feminine. We feel exhausted from the amount of energy we process during these moons. And when that Scorpio Moon aligns with Jupiter RX in Scorpio, watch all the psychological dross that shows up. Will you show up and play the role of the alchemist? We can transform our suffering into true power, that is if we choose not to manipulate others by playing the roles of the martyr or the victim. We are so done with that. (And on April 23, Chiron leaves Pisces and enters Aries).
I haven't had much time to review the May moons, but Uranus transits into Taurus on May 15 (6 is the number for Venus). And Mars transits into Aquarius on the following day where it will stay for 6 months (except for a retrograde dip in Capricorn in September). So, Mars transits in a masculine futuristic sign that fosters grassroots groups, revolutions, futuristic technology, and the collective. And Uranus transits from the fiery masculine Aries into the peace-loving feminine sign Taurus (natural ruler is Venus). The women's movement and the youth movement gain momentum. Woo hoo!
Jupiter trines Neptune from the 20 - 26 (a week) and boy, is it time for expansion and dreaming big! Mercury transits into Taurus on the 14th and joins Uranus two days later so we'll communicate about Taurus themes. I'm expecting an epidemic caused by deadly bacteria that comes from the slaughterhouses in the US, especially because Mars is in a square with Mercury/Uranus and Jupiter is coming up to a trine with Neptune which can represent epidemics on a collective scale. Meanwhile, Venus is in an inconjunct with Pluto in Capricorn on the 11 -14 so someone is not walking his talk. There is a trickster energy and ill intentions because remember Jupiter is in Scorpio. Greed is uncovered in the form of shortcuts and animal abuse that leads to a deadly illness.
So in May, we will scrutinize big farming practices worldwide, especially in the US and raise animals for food. Jupiter in Scorpio rips of masks and when Jupiter connects to Neptune, it dispels illusions and denial. We have to wake up. Movies will appear on the big screen in April and May that further wake us up to our truth. The movie Mary Magdalene release on March 30, 2018 (right on the Libra Full Moon) is going to shake up the world and lend its power to the international women's movements.
Since this is a long article, I'm ending my transit report here. And for more details, please see my 2018 forecast video.
If you feel that you are on this planet for a mission, sign up for a personal reading. Let's see how this shift is going to affect you and drive you forward. We will look at areas of your life where you require liberation and your hidden gifts and talents. Let me coach you and channel the information that has your signature on it.
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