Whole Astrology Forecast for 2018 (Covering the High Points)


2018 Astrological Forecast

At first, when I glanced at next year's major transits, I thought I would focus on Water and Earth Signs mainly, and then Aquarius caught my attention. There are two major transits transforming the lives of Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Ascendant, and Aquarius Moon people. And those transits also shape the lives of Taurus Sun, Moon, and Ascendant people. Read on to learn more...

The first transit should come as no surprise to you who have listened to my Astrologer Patricia podcasts and read posts on this blog and my other blog, Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living. And that is Uranus transiting in Taurus from May 15 until November 7. The second transit is Mars transiting in Aquarius for several months since Mars goes retrograde in 2018 (the planet only goes retrograde every two years while the other planets go retrograde every year).

So, let's look at the themes of Aquarius and Taurus. Aquarius is the way-shower, the groundbreaker, the homewrecker, and the party-crasher, especially when we've been dealing with drug-addicted elite running the show, not just in the US, but worldwide. Uranus in Aries has shown us the powerful energies of Aquarius with the Occupy Movement, Arab Spring, and activists using social media to awaken advocacy in the world. Uranus in Aries provided the sparks of transformation that continue with Uranus in the uncomfortable Earth Sign, Taurus.

Taurus represents the things that bring us comfort and security. The Bull represents our values, big banks, financial institutions along with Capricorn. It represents the Earth and ecology--think The Green Man. Taurus represents farms and agriculture as well as, permaculture. Taurus represents shelters from the storm, real estate and along with Capricorn/Saturn are elder years. Taurus is stubborn and rigid. Taurus is fearful when it does not have money in the bank and all the comforts it expects to have. And with Uranus, the party-crasher and the awakener entering the Sign of the Bull--the stock market, any facade of money systems, big banks, and status are about to feel the wrecking ball.

I ask you to fear not. These systems designed and built by the elite only serve the elite. They have spun fantasies and illusions to get us to buy into their systems. And yet, we are not served by the merry-go-round of the American Dream or any other country's delusion of the perfect life. We don't have to buy into lies spun by the media that leave each of us feeling unequal and inadequate. Aquarius tells us to be different anyway. Authenticity exists only outside of the system.

Mars in Aquarius for several months also has us questioning the systems in place. We become spiritual warriors and most of the work we do might be around our own egos and fears. When we conquer our fears as individuals we inspire others to step outside of the Matrix. Mars gives us energy and we might even venture into new types of fitness routines. We create a new male model as we dismantle the patriarchy system. We teach boys another way of being in the world that does not involve going to war and conquering an outside enemy. We venture into the realm of self-mastery and allow that to become our focus because when we master ourselves no one can control us or tell us what to think or how to feel. And Mars stays in Aquarius (with direct and retrograde motion) meaning we are going to chew on some big lessons.

While I am thinking those are the two biggest transits of 2018, I also want to bring in Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio, and the powerful eclipses, starting with a Lunar Eclipse/Super Moon that occurs on Leo on January 31. We'll also look at the February 15 Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. I'll cover the summer eclipses in a later post.

Now, I've already written a great deal about Jupiter in Scorpio. However, this is a powerful, yet uncomfortable placement for Jupiter. And for Sagittarius, Jupiter is in the shadow or unformed house in their Natal Charts (it lands in the 12th House). For you Sagittarius, it is a time to test your faith. Are you operating on blind faith or do you have faith that can past a series of tests and challenges coming your way? And Scorpio, can you learn to forgive and let go of the past? Can you use your personal history as a road to healing? Can you do some detective work for your own behaviors and take responsibility for the roles you played? If you can do this you will gain true power and faith to move mountains.

We have very little fire element in the 2018 transits with the exception of the North Node in Leo, powerful eclipses in Leo and Uranus spending around 5 months in Aries. Our faith and patience are tested when Saturn is in Capricorn and Uranus are in slow-moving Taurus. Those of us with Cardinal or Mutable qualities want to move forward now. We find the slow passage of 2018 as torment. We want to implement our bigger visions in the world but have to wait for others to catch up with us. And having Mars in another fixed sign Aquarius also keeps us stuck in traffic or among too many think tanks and talking heads. When Uranus is back in Aries we take action, but that does not happen until November!

Saturn in Capricorn requires patience as we rebuild structures, create financial models to replace the banks that are going to fail. We work on the true meaning of Democracy and discuss new economic models. We might feel like we have to climb the mountain alone, we might worry about our body image or our bank accounts, but that is not what Saturn in Capricorn is about. We must focus on the bigger picture even if Capricorn wants to contract instead of expanding our consciousness. Fortunately, with Pluto also in Capricorn in flowing aspect with Neptune, we can look at the bigger picture or the vision. Again, faith is required in all we do. Saturn goes retrograde between April 18 and September 5 and this causes us to go inward and take better care of our physical bodies.

The Leo Lunar Eclipse on January 31 contains a Fixed T-Cross and we haven't experienced too many of those in the past decade. Jupiter in Scorpio squares the Sun/Venus/Juno in Aquarius and the Leo Moon/North Node/Ceres. And this to me, says that we'll be marching for women's issues again. With all those scandals involving the assault on women, we're going to balance the scales of justice with big lawsuits, published books (memoirs), and confessions on social media. Some women are going to pull the drama card and the rest of us will grow tired of it. Others will pull the activist card--especially around the rights of mothers and children. And since Jupiter is involved, children in other countries. We could see some big news in the arts too.

And to further enhance transformation coming from these events, Uranus squares Pluto and Mars square Neptune during this eclipse. We will bust illusions and delusional thinking. And we see a new age of spiritual warriors emerging.

Finally, let's take a look at the Aquarius Solar Eclipse on February 15 (around Valentine's Day). Now we have the Sun, the Moon. Venus, Mercury, and Juno in a Stellium in a square with Jupiter! Aquarius is taking the secrets and scandals dredged up by Jupiter in Scorpio and taking people to the mat. Something will be destroyed or deconstructed during this Solar Eclipse. The populace is not going to put up with the same old routines any longer.

Mars joins with Vesta (purity, purpose, service) in Sagittarius and squares Neptune. And Chiron is in flowing aspect with Jupiter. We're going to go to the task of healing old wounds in ourselves and in the collective and we are ruthless in this healing process. We choose to be of service to the world and not the elite. We choose to serve each other and pick up the pieces while battling with the dark forces on the planet. But we don't do this through war or revolution, but more or less by shifting our focus out of the Matrix and on to the world we wish to build. We're not going to escape to Mars or another planet. We are going to find ways to heal the Earth and birth the new Earth or heaven on Earth. But first we have to put those dark forces to rest and we do that by suiting up and giving our service to the world, whether we are paid or not.

And with one of the last Uranus squares to Pluto, we must bunk the established order. We do this by shifting our focus from the products and services that never served us to the ones that are created from love and respect for humans, the Earth, and other beings. With so much Aquarius and Uranus energy in the 2018 astrological transits, we might as well step into the Aquarius Age and live up to its potential. We are not victims (Pisces) but we are innovators, and we are geniuses waiting for a challenging puzzle to solve. Step forth and do your part even if that is only changing your diet or relocating to a new more forward-thinking community.

Speak up.

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