
Showing posts from February, 2013

Neptunian Cinema

If you don't have a strong Pisces signature in your chart (Moon, Sun or Rising in Pisces), but you would like to feel something of what Pisceans feel, here is a movie list with Piscean themes.  You could also listen to music by Pisces composers such as Chopin, Ravel, or any number of Piscean musicians.  You could also watch movies by Luis Bunuel or Fellini (who had a Pisces Moon). I'm including links to movie trailers.  Happy viewing. Movies about alcoholism and redemption 1. When a Man Loves a Woman 2. 28 Days Movies with Marine Themes 3. The Perfect Storm 4. Moby Dick (Part One, 1956) 5. Titanic 6. Whale Rider 7. Free Whilly Religious Theme

Pisces Implosion Continues

Photo by Patricia Herlevi Two days before Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces (what fun!), three personal planets, Sun, Mercury, and Mars transit through Pisces along with Neptune (ruled by Pisces).  Venus will join the fishy party on February 27 and meanwhile, Saturn in watery Scorpio went retrograde on February 17. In addition the Sun, conjunct Chiron in Pisces forms a T-Cross with the Full Moon in Virgo at 7 degrees on Monday, February 25 and a square to Jupiter in Gemini.  At least Virgo is grounding, but also able to cause restless energy and nerve problems.  This could feel like a breaking point for many mutable Sun Signs. All the Pisces energy leaves us feeling ungrounded and many of you might feel like you're swimming in molasses. You feel an urge to get a project off the ground, but end up watching movies or listening to music instead.  Don't beat yourself up. This isn't the time to launch new projects and even if you're a triple Aries, your usual spunk is

Purposeful Astrology (A Map for Everyday Living)

Since astrology existed in ancient times and has an aura of mystery around it, not to mention mysticism, it has garnered a esoteric reputation. But on the other side of the coin, astrology for some people has taken on a pop psychological approach or it plays the role of a daily oracle of hope in the form of horoscopes. While both situations have advantages, the tools of astrology are lost in both cases and we miss out on opportunities to map our lives through planetary transits or to fully understand our selves via our natal charts. But for anyone who enjoys Joseph Campbell's exploration of myths, legends and archetypes, astrology can provide the path to bliss in our own lives.  A common complaint by people is that they don't know their life path or even what brings them bliss.  This is because these people have chosen to live in boxes built by their parents, peers, or society in general.  It's impossible to follow your bliss if you don't know what it is, but you ca

That's so retro (When planets do the backwards dance)

Photo by Patricia Herlevi, 2009 We have all heard of retrograde planets, signified by the "rx" in a natal or transit chart.  However, most people seem only concerned with Mercury retrograde, which has developed its own brand of superstition.  However, the world has never ended because the communication planet appeared to move backwards.  And the keyword is appeared because the planets actually never moves backwards, but the earth shifts orbit giving us the impression of retrograde planets. All the planets except the luminaries (Sun and Moon) retrograde.  However, the sun and moon eclipse two times a year, and we also experience the moon/sun cycles each month with the new and full moons, which many astrologers use as predictive indicators for the energies for the next several months, if not years, especially if the new or full moon falls in an angular house (1,4, 7, and 10) or conjunct a natal planet.  We'll tackle the moon cycles in a future article. So if all the