
Showing posts from May, 2024

Gemini New Moon (5 Planets in Gemini) What Does This Mean for You?

On June 6, 2024, we will experience a whopping Gemini New Moon because 5 planets including Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter will also be in Gemini. And while it's normal for Venus and Mercury to appear near the Sun and often in the same sign, the secret ingredient here is Jupiter which recently transited into Gemini (after doing it's dance with Uranus in Taurus). Mercury is co-ruled by Gemini and Virgo. This means that Mercury is in alignment with the new Moon but Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini. So this means that we must refrain from having a hyper focus on details and instead look at the bigger picture. Jupiter expands what it touches and this can show up as too many distractions coming from social media and the news media. We could see and hear too much hyperbole which only takes us further from our quest for the truth and nothing but the truth. We will also focus on world events more with Jupiter in Gemini and the ways those worl