
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Jupiter Effect (Ways This Transpersonal Planet Shapes Our Lives)

  Have you ever wanted to born a Sagittarius or have Jupiter's blessings upon you? I know I've wanted a more prominent Jupiter in my Natal Chart. And it's not that Jupiter isn't strongly placed in the sign of Taurus in the 4th House--but unfortunately, it's opposing Neptune in the 10th. And Natal Saturn had a showdown with Natal Jupiter so if golden opportunities do appear, Saturn chases them away.     However, having said that, this trans personal planet ruled by Sagittarius blesses each of us when it visits our Natal Sun every 12 years or we experience our Jupiter Return the same year as our Chinese New Year. Jupiter conjunct the Natal Moon expands our emotions and can feel like an overload unless we develop emotional intelligence and again this occurs every 12 years since Jupiter has a 12 year cycle. Twelve is an important number that breaks down to 3 which is ruled by Sagittarius. Three and twelve are considered by many spiritual teachers as sacred numbers. So,