From Left Field US Presidential Candidate #Marianne Williamson #USPresidentElection #astrology #intuitiveastrology

While VP Kamala Harris has the presumptive Democratic Party endorsement (I knew this was coming), she's not the only woman running on the Democratic ticket. Spiritual teacher and author Marianne Williamson, who is mostly known for her teachings on the Course of Miracles, also views herself as a contender in the race.

This is not a presidential endorsement.


Williamson is known for work with forgiveness. She has a softer side which she presents in the public eye, but she's also a powerhouse who is used to getting her way. However, as we'll see from this chart interpretation with a few transits tossed in, if Williamson redirected her planetary energies into a spiritual warrior direction, this lady has the power to launch a revolution for the American people.

Please Donate if you want me to post upcoming transits that impact this Natal Chart. 


So, let's break down her chart first.

Williamson has her Sun at 16 degrees Cancer and her Moon at 28 degrees Capricorn (the Moon being in its polarity sign). Her Ascendant is in Gemini so that makes Mercury, the planet of writers, communication and teachers, the Chart Ruler.

While the sign of Cancer does represent mothers, nurturers, caregivers and empaths, the dark side of the Moon can represent emotional instability. The mission of a Cancer Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign is to develop emotional intelligence and to set appropriate emotional boundaries. It also represents honoring other people's rights and emotional boundaries. Most Cancerians never achieve this mission unfortunately.

This sign can come off as crabby, stingy, isolating, cold, detached, and moody. There are many Cancerians with emotional imbalances or like the other signs, personality disorders if they choose to get their cues from the outside world instead of it being an inside job.

A Capricorn Moon can also comes off as detached and cold. This is the Moon of a social climber and someone who derives pleasure from their career and social status. While they aren't like Leo Sun people grabbing the spotlight, they do climb their way to new heights so they can take in the view. And it's not true that all Capricorn Moon people are social climbers, unfortunately, too many are addicted to accolades and rewards that come from the outer world.

Now, on the positive side, a Capricorn Moon person might gravitate towards integrity, honesty, and helping out vulnerable people and animals. This is a grounded Moon that could focus on farming, agriculture in general, nutrition and diet. A person with this Moon might have a career as a massage therapist or another type of body worker. Or they might be an old soul who came to the planet to teach spiritual concepts.

Finally, the Gemini Ascendant is a person with a strong desire to communicate or teach or write. They are good with words and the use of language. But they could also talk out both sides of their mouth. They might not live the ideals that they preach. They need to learn to practice what they preach but sadly, not all Gemini Ascendant people are able to do this.

Power to the People

So when we put this together for Williamson and her placement of her Sun, Uranus and Venus on the cusps of her 1st and 2nd houses, this is someone with radical ideas and she truly does care about the most vulnerable people and animals among us. She truly does value a well-fed person with a roof over her head. 

And her views are old school feminist with Venus conjunct Uranus and the Sun. She does have moments where it's her way or the highway. She's aware of this shadow aspect of her personality. She's also revolutionary and she doesn't like seeing anyone take advantage of another--including corporations and government leaders.

With Uranus in her 1st house conjunct her Sun, this is a brilliant and sharp thinker who can absorb and digest information. She is also a talented writer and speaker who uses emotions to get her points across. She is a powerful speaker with a Gemini Ascendant and Uranus in her 1st house.

Speaking of communication, she has Mercury conjunct Pluto in the 3rd house of communication. Now, it's also possible that she was a force to be reckoned with for her siblings and neighbors. She would have become antagonistic during her schooldays towards her teachers or at least she would have come across as a know-it-all. 

She would have become easily bored and she searched for mental stimulation. I imagine she read a lot of books in search of knowledge and she was never able to fulfill that hunger. She has to back up her facts so they don't come across as conspiracy theory opinions. And she does back herself up with research. Pluto loves to go deep and uncover the truth.

Having Pluto and Mercury in Leo represents a dramatic person. She also spent her early years as a cabaret performer and singer. Leo rules the stage. Of course, the Pluto in Leo means she's a member of the generation called the Baby Boomers. She falls on the later end of that generation since she was born in 1952 and the generation technically ended in 1957 if you're using Pluto in Leo as the generation marker.

This is a creative generation that revolutionized fine and performing art. They also broke into industries related to the arts at the right time before all the mergers took place. So, authors of this generation could have become millionaires. This isn't the case with authors now getting into the industry. This means she has enjoyed privileges that others can only dream about.

With Mercury and Pluto in Leo she has the opportunity to use the spotlight to champion causes that she believes in. And she has done this in the past with AIDS and also helping low-income people.She does champion the everyday person. And she's taken on the dramatic role of a David versus a Goliath (Military-Industrial Complex). However, she's also a target for media scrutiny since reporters would want to investigate her background and they have done that. This is because of her Natal Mercury in the same sign as her Natal Pluto--Leo.

Saturn and Neptune in Libra with Mars in Scorpio

She has Saturn in Libra in her 4th house of the mother and the home. I imagine with this placement that her mother kept secrets and there were some taboo topics in the home. Her mother was a homemaker, pretty typical of women in the 1950s and her father was an advocate who taught Marianne and her siblings about social justice at an early age. In fact, the family traveled to witness injustice for themselves. Marianne also would have been coming to age during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, and that wasn't the only justice movement going on when she was growing up.

Saturn is about discipline, integrity and maturity so I imagine there was discipline in the home and also a sense of fairness. There's a sense of a mother glossing over the less finer things in life and again, there were certain topics not allowed in the home, if her mother had any say in the matter. There would have been a focus on the physical body and aesthetics. With her Sun opposite her Moon, I imagine her parents had their difference and fought in the home. The Sun in this case represents the father or yang energy and the Moon represents her mother. Marianne was born near the Capricorn Full Moon.

Neptune in Libra in her 5th house would have been generational. This placement focuses on the arts, especially music. Someone with Neptune in Libra in the 5th house would be interested in recording and performing music or becoming a dancer. This is someone with strong aesthetics but who could also be a harsh critic of what is beautiful and what isn't. There is a sense of competition with the shiniest person winning the prize. Couple that with Mars in ruthless Scorpio, if this isn't tempered Marianne would become a fierce competitor who was willing to slay her competition.

She might say she's against violence but use passive-aggressive tactics to get her way. And her former employees have complained about her harsh treatment of them. Whether or not this is true, the astrology chart reveals a shadow with Mars in Scorpio in the 5th house. And this could easily become a life lesson of making peace (Neptune in Libra) versus making war (Mars in Scorpio) appearing in the same natal house.

North Node in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus

Marianne's North Node in Aquarius means that she is learning how to become revolutionary and lean towards cooperative living during this lifetime. She needs to move away from any selfish desires and focus more on the collective in order to satisfy the North Node in Aquarius. Since we are also embarking into the Aquarius Age and Pluto is in Aquarius, this part of her chart will be highlighted for the next 20 years.

I also have my Natal Jupiter at 15 degrees Taurus so this means that Marianne also had a Jupiter Return recently. And she would have experienced the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on her Natal Jupiter which could project her out onto the big screen. She actually has gained more traction running for US President in the 2024 election than she did in 2020. When Jupiter was in Taurus (where Uranus still is transiting), she was given a boost into the public eye.

Her goal now is to stay grounded and give practical solution to the problems that the American people struggle with. And to be honest, she's the only candidate in touch with the American people's pain. We know that when we brand and market our businesses we focus and address our customers' pain points for best results.

Cardinal T-Cross

Marianne has a whopping Cardinal T-Cross involving her Natal Sun/Uranus/Venus opposing the Moon and squaring Saturn and Neptune. The outlet for this T-Cross is Aries--the sign of the warrior. This T-Cross helped Marianne to develop grit through hardships. She also developed compassion for the underdog and has the urge to fight hard for justice in regard to the rights of the underdog--the American people. Of course, this could refer to other causes too that she strongly believes in.

(Robert Kennedy, Jr. also has a Cardinal T-Cross in his Natal Chart but with different planets highlighted).


The game isn't over until it's over. Judging from Marianne Williamson's Natal Chart, and not even looking at current transits or upcoming transits, she has the grit and determination to see her candidacy through until the bitter end. She could also be the contender who sneaks up from behind and wins the race. Think Secretariat in the Kentucky Derby in 1973.

This next US Presidential election truly is a wild card with too many volatile transits occurring between now and then. It's not a sure win for any of the candidates running. And all of the major players will experience challenges when Pluto backs up into 29 degrees Capricorn and with all the outer planets retrograde this fall.

If you would like me to post an article about upcoming transits and their affect on Marianne Williamson's bid for US President, please donate and support my work. Thank you.


  1. Very informative article! This makes it easier to understand Marianne's political views. She does understand the changes that need to be made. Excellent breakdown of her ascending, sun and moon placements as well!.


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