
Showing posts from March, 2016

Meditation on Saturn and Mars (Parent and Child)

Enslaved children, negative Saturn-Mars aspect, image Wikipedia For those of you who are parents, think of the Saturn role you play with your children and the Mars role they play for you. After all, our synastry charts come off as a cosmic stage play. The planets provide the backdrop, the signs provide the action, and the house placement provides the stage in which we act out our life dramas. (Channeled) So let's look at Mars as representing our inner child or actual children under our care. Saturn acts as our inner authority, which sometimes includes the voices of our parents telling us what to do and what not to do, or us playing the role of a parent. The reason why I'm bringing up Saturn and Mars is that we will experience Mars conjunct Saturn late this summer and we're experiencing both Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius at this time. Any planet transiting in Sagittarius experiences expansion or that we expand upon its themes. So think of an idealistic Mars or

Astrological Gaze at April 2016--Planets Taking a Retro Vacation

As we move out of the first set of eclipses that took place in March, April gives us some breathing room in the form of planetary retrogrades. We begin the month with two planets already doing the backward tango--Jupiter and Saturn, and then as the month moves along, Mars, Mercury, and Pluto turn retrograde. Now, the Mars RX is problematic for people who want to speed ahead and tend to drive through life in the fast lane. A retrograde Mars has us pulling back our energy and even going into the rest mode. And Saturn is already retrograde (begun this transit on March 26) and so we're not experiencing drive and ambition with those two planets taking a breather. And then Mercury goes retrograde in slow-going Taurus on the 28th so communication slows way down also irritating people who like life to move more quickly. This will hinder college students who already have too many distractions during spring quarter and now they just want to bathe in the sun like seals on an abandoned bea

Keep Whole Astrology Alive & Thriving

If you appreciate my astrology posts and YouTube videos, here are ways you can support my mission as an astrologer and coach. In a world crowded with spiritual teachers, authors, and practitioners, while I believe in cooperation and sharing; I still could use your support in creating a financially viable metaphysical practice are ways to assist me in fulfilling my life mission without having to succumb to the old business model of competition and manipulative marketing. 1) Click on the Hay House affiliate ads and then make a purchase at Hay House. When you make a purchase after clicking the ads, I receive a commission. 2) Join my Patreon campaign by making a monthly donation of $5 or $30 (for 6 months). My goal is to raise $500 a month. I'm only at $35 at the moment so I could use your support. 3) Become a follower of Whole Astrology and or Astrologer Patricia (YouTube) 4) Become a follower of Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living 5) Sign up for a personal reading

Aries Sun, Moon & Ascendant: The New Kid on the Zodiac Block

To get a good idea of Aries energy think of the buds sprouting on trees or new growth of plants in a garden. I also see an image of a lotus growing in mud. Aries represents new birth even rebirth--eternal spring in each of us. Aries 1st Sign of the Zodiac Ruling Planet Mars  Rules First Zodiac House  Represents Inner Child or children Color Red and other warm colors Tarot Card The Fool  Motto "Me first" Mantra "I am, that I am While Aries energy squares my Cancer Sun/Mercury and Capricorn Ascendant, several Aries people have played key roles in my life as far as getting me motivated.  Aries Sun, Moon and Ascendant natives stoke fires in our souls and remind us of the courage in our hearts. They also remind us about our inner child who wants to come first in our lives and who wants to play all day, every day. The upside of Aries revolves around courage to pioneer new experiences and to explore new terrain whether that's actual land or the inner psyche.

Venus & Mars in Gemini--Intellectual Elitist or Cultural Snob

Intellectual Elitist King Louis 14th Recently when I re-watched Diary of Bridget Jones, I enjoyed the message about loving someone with flaws--even intellectual flaws. This led me to shine the light on one of my flaws--intellectual smugness and having to prove how smart I am. I won't even get into the amount of stress these intellectual pursuits have added to my physical body. So last night I experienced a dream where a intellectual snobby professor (I met last summer) visited me. He poked fun at people less educated than him and he criticized everyone less intellectually endowed as himself. In the dream, I pulled a Bridget Jones and I told this man off by calling him an intellectual elite and I kicked him out of my home. Boy, that felt satisfying until I realized that this dream character represented my Venus and Mars in Gemini. Darn! Not to get down on anyone with either their Natal Mars or Venus in Gemini (or sun for that matter), but the shadow side of Venus in Gemini i