
Showing posts from July, 2016

Zodiac Sign Leo--Mister and Missus Sunshine

Photo by Patricia Herlevi Since August arrived quickly I'm going to get going with my post on Leo Sun, Moon, and Ascendant despite that I haven't collected enough surveys for Leo. As you know the ruler of Leo is the Sun and so we'll look at the sun's qualities, along with qualities of the Fire Element and Fixed quality. Originally published August 1, 2015 Let's start with the survey results which includes responses from 9 participants with either Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Leo. Four respondents said that they felt supported in childhood by parents and teachers while five said they felt unsupported. Zero responded to did you feel valued. One respondent had his/her first romantic attachment prior to 13 years of age, three during early teens and five during late teens/college age. One expressed him/herself through the performing arts, four through fine arts,one through other activities, and the remaining three felt unsafe expressing themselves. Three respondent

Aquarius Full Moon for August 2016

As an astrologer following the moon transits closely, I would advise to take your holiday around the Leo New Moon on August 2nd and sit out the Aquarius Full Moon on August 18. We are in for a wild and woolly ride and we can expect the unexpected around mid-month. Now, this Aquarius Moon could go either way for people with strong Uranus energies because you're already poised for change and living in the future. Or it could be annoying with so much fixed energy actually causing us to fear change. The reason I see this particular moon so challenging is because Mars conjuncts Saturn in Sagittarius which bodes well for the Aquarius Moon and Leo Sun but at the same time has us rebelling against authority. This time we are rebels with a cause and we might just use some maturity to ride past our ideologies to change laws. The Mars/Saturn duet is locked into a T-Cross with Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter/Mercury/Venus (Triple Conjunction) in Virgo. Therein lies the problem. Aquarius

Practical Tools for Dealing with the Saturn Neptune Square

photo by Patricia Herlevi, a number I keep seeing I have found myself drifting in and out of mindfulness. And some of my space outs are laced with large doses of humor. If you also feel like your spacing out or feel like you're no longer here in the physical realm, take heart. As Saturn in Sagittarius challenges Neptune in Pisces through a square, exact on some dates this summer, it is easy to lose our grounding in "reality" or to even question reality. The other thing I have noticed is that many of us are forced to deal with psychological issues. Some of can't tell the difference between real or imagined childhood events. Or perhaps we're not truthful about childhood events because we feel it's not compassionate to look at how others treated us. Yet, we feel indignant when we see other people experiencing abuse. We become outraged self-righteous judges when viewing abuse from an objective (really subjective) place. Abuses happening in the world trigge

Jupiter Moves into Libra on September 9, 2016

While I'm leaping ahead of myself, it's the right time to finish up business with Jupiter in Virgo . It's time to clean up, get organized, and fix anything broken that's attracting our attention. Jupiter moves out of Virgo into the Air Sign Libra on September 9. Venus also transits in Libra at that time and Mercury is retrograde in Virgo (another reason to clean up and move on). Jupiter won't return to Virgo for another 12 years. Now, some of you will breathe a sigh of relief when Jupiter transits out of the uncomfortable and fussy Sign Virgo. Yet, when Jupiter transited in Virgo , it helped us ground ourselves in day-to-day reality. It helped us solve problems and use discernment--much needed with Saturn in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in spacey Pisces. Jupiter had also formed trines with Pluto in Capricorn , thus taming the Pluto energies and helping us to transform our financial situations. Jupiter in Virgo also boded well for nurses, social workers,

Leo New Moon (August 2, 2016) Let it Shine, Let it Shine...

There's something about the Leo New Moon or even the Leo Full Moon that has me singing about sunshine. You must remember that Leo is ruled by the Sun and this sign is associated with gold, yellows and oranges.  Leo also rules creativity, the astrological fifth house and fun in the sun. So whether or not you're walking on sunshine or not, Leo exists somewhere in your Natal Chart. And this is the place where you shine your rays of sunshine onto the world. With the exception of a Mutable T-Cross, which we have grown accustom by this point, the Leo New Moon actually gives us a respite. Now, is the time to get those creative juices flowing. Now is the time to plant new seeds in the form of a creative project. I hear some of you more earthy types scoffing at me and saying that you don't have a creative bone in your body. But you must know I consider myself a creativity coach and yes, you are creative in some area of your life. It's in your Natal Chart. Look for Leo on

10 Reasons to Hire an Astrologer (and not just for consultations)

Some astrologers are making a fine living doing astrology full-time, while others receive a few nibbles and bites, here and there (that's my category).  This led me to the idea that astrologers or people practicing astrology even part-time, even as a hobby, possess marketable skills needed in today's job market.  For instance, astrologers excel at creative problem-solving, unravel mysteries of the soul, have better than average math skills, and use both sides of the brain with ease and grace. (Archival Article originally published on April 8, 2013) Here is a list of 10 skills astrologers can not only bring to their workshops, consultations, radio shows, YouTube videos, but also to the job market.  In other words, here are 10 reasons to hire an astrologer. 1. Astrologers use both sides of their brain while taking a complex system of symbols and archetypes to unravel the mysteries in a natal or other astrological chart. 2. Astrologers are both analytical and intuitive

Eat, Pray, Astrology (Liz Gilbert's Chart)

Liz Gilbert, TED TALKS Whole Astrology is now over four years old. I'm pulling this article from the 2012 archives. It as popular when I first posted it so I'm sure it's still of interest. I mentioned Liz Gilbert in my article on meditation by planet.  Then a colleague sent me sent me this chart   You can also view the chart below. Cancer Sun Aries AC Virgo Moon  I doubt that Liz Gilbert was born at 12:00 p.m. and usually when a person is given an Aries AC at 12:00 p.m. it is because a birth time is missing, not always though.  I don't see any yods in the chart, but if these are the right houses for Liz, then we can see where the events of "Eat, Pray, Love" came from. Star IQ Astrology site In the seventh house (of marriage), Liz has Uranus and Jupiter at 0 degrees Libra , a perfect conjunction.  Since the planets are at 0 degrees Libra, they have just entered that sign, and the Libran energies of partnership would feel new to the natal Jupit