
Showing posts from May, 2015

Becoming Your Astrological Sun, Moon & Ascendant Signs

Wikipedia Just like Simone de Beauvoir once said, "One is not born a woman, but rather, becomes a woman," we are not born as our Sun, Moon, or Ascendant signs or any of the other planetary placements in our charts. Overtime and with the efforts in place, we become the cosmic architectures in our charts. Our charts are merely blueprints of our souls' desires for our life paths. Now, having said that, I'm going to tell you what those desires are one sign at a time. I'm doing this because it's a bank holiday in the US, it's raining outside, and there is no bus service today where I live. No, actually, I'm doing this because the idea woke me up last night and I think it's time we all stop generalizing about each Zodiac Sign and the people embodying those signs. Lately, I've seen too much backlash aimed at Pisces natives (Sun, Moon, or Ascendant). The criticism focuses on Pisces shadow which is not compassionate or forgiving. Why is that? Pe

Saturn in Sagittarius--Restrictions of Liberties & Going Local

Saturn from Wikipedia The best way to understand the Saturn in Sagittarius transit is to travel back 28 to 30 years ago, the last time Saturn traveled through the Sign of the Satyr (November 1985 to February 1988). For me, this represented my days studying at a university, learning about the world, and becoming an exchange student in Canada. However, for those of us who were alive and at least in our formative years from 1985 to 1988, we can recall that those were the years of powerful dictators, restrictions with travel, underhanded wars kept mostly away from the public eye, religious fundamentalists attacking the rights of women, and censorship, at least in the United States. We were steeped in the the Reagan-Thatcher era. New Wave and punk music gave way to more thoughtful jangly acoustic music with social messaging and we experienced the birth of nihilistic grunge music which left many defiant but in despair. In Seattle especially, fun pop bands gave way to gloom, heavy dru

June New Moon in Gemini--Round n' Round on the Surreal Merry-Go-Round

With 6 natal planets in Mutable signs, I had better have a sense of humor. Even so, after the June Full Moon in Sagittarius locked into a Mutable T-Cross, the Gemini New Moon seems like a cakewalk in comparison.  Sextiles and trines dominate sending us charging into a new direction like medieval knights. But confusion still reigns with the Mercury squaring retrograde Neptune. The signs most affected by the restless energies are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. So let's look at the Gemini New Moon and what type of new beginnings it sparks. Gemini rules communications technology, social media, journalism, broadcasting, dissemination of information, thinking and learning styles, the brain, puzzles, wit, writing, authors (though publishing is ruled by Sagittarius) and board games. Gemini has a competitive spirit, but not like Aries who has to come first and win. But if the game isn't fun then Gemini walks away following his or her curiosity to the next item of interest

Full Moon in Sagittarius--Swift Movement & Mutable Confusion

Wikipedia The Full Moon in Sagittarius suggest dreaming of foreign places and the itch for movement in any direction. But this Mutable Moon occurring on June 2 carries the burden of Mercury RX in Gemini squaring Neptune in foggy Pisces. It's like the plane never rises above the fog bank and the far-off land seems like a pipe dream. (Basically we start of June with a Mutable T-Cross involving Sun/Mercury in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Pisces). For the most part, Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), take a respite the first three weeks of June and the Mutable Signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius), experience restlessness, nervous exhaustion, or mental fog due to the Mercury RX square to Neptune, and restless Mars in Gemini. However, there isn't anything these signs can't handle with a bit of rest and a sense of humor. And actually, we experience some of the best aspects for taking a vacation in June despite the Mercury RX w

June 2015 New and Full Moon Forecast (Mercury Always Wins)

It felt like pushing a boulder up hill producing the astrology forecasts videos for June 2015, with Mercury acting like a trickster dog nipping at my heels. And that was prior to today's Mercury RX which ends on June 12.

Forecast for June 2015--Wiser or Crankier?

Cape Cod, photo by Patricia Herlevi, 1989 When I was a child, I looked forward to June. School let out for the summer and I anticipated my birthday at the end of the month. But now, turning 51 doesn't appeal to me because it brings me 9 years closer to the dreaded 60. The transits do offer me a consolation prize in the form of this year's Solar Return, with Venus joining Jupiter in Leo (8th House), and progressed Mars and Venus continuing their journey in my 7th House of partnerships... (Thanks to the Mercury-Neptune square I made corrections on this post). However, enough about me, you want the June forecast with Ceres included, right?We begin June with Mercury RX conjunct Sun in Gemini and a square to Neptune. On June 2, we experience the Full Moon at 11 degrees Sagittarius (with a T-Cross involving Sun/Mercury, Moon, and Neptune), and if you're thinking June is a month for Mutable Sign folks to wake up and pay attention, you're on the right track. Venus moves

Whole Astrology has a logo

Thank you Petra Kempendorf for designing the Whole Astrology logo. The Moon, Neptune, and Saturn signify my three planetary rulers.

Mercury Square Neptune--Gazing through the Looking Glass

I was going to take  break from this blog, but then the Mercury-Neptune Square garnered my attention. Now, normally, I would just let this square slip by and some astrologers even consider a square as a minor transit. However, with two Mutable planets transiting in their own signs and squaring each other, the message is too strong to resist. If you feel like you're starring in a surreal movie, look to Mercury in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces in the first 10 degrees of their respective signs. This square takes place the entire the month of May and three-quarters of June. Mercury went into Gemini on May 1 and transits into Cancer on July 9 so it is in Gemini for two months and eight days. What's the message here? Mercury is a messenger now traveling in the home sign of the Twins. Mercury represents our learning, thinking, teaching, and communication styles. Each of us has a personal style represented by our natal Mercury and its aspects to other natal planets and placemen