
Showing posts from September, 2014

Ending September with Venus in Libra and Mercury in Scorpio

Photo by Patricia Herlevi  On September 27th Mercury entered Scorpio conjuncting the Scorpio Moon followed by Venus moving into Libra on September 29.  While the Sagittarius Moon leaves us feeling exuberant and willing to take risks, the combination of Venus in her own sign and Mercury in Scorpio could bring out the passive-aggressive side of us.  Use the energy of the Sagittarius Moon to speak our emotions directly and boldly rather than skirt around the edges. My advice during the final week of September is to dig deeper before making any major or even minor decisions.  With Venus in Libra there is a tendency towards laziness and indulging in food and drink while the Moon sails through Sagittarius.  However, this laziness poses consequences which we could pay for later when Mercury goes retrograde on October 4 in Scorpio.  Use tact and diplomacy now even when uncovering dirty secrets or feeling betrayed.  Mercury in Scorpio has a tendency to trick us into seeing deception every

Equinox, Sun in Libra and New Moon in Libra

Wikipedia As we move into the cycle of Libra, I remind you to live in balance with yourself, with the earth, with your body and with your community.  If partnerships of any kind are not built on solid ground they could break apart now.   On the dietary side, watch sugar and salt intake because the Sun in Libra rules kidneys.  The North Node and New Moon plus Venus in Libra emphasize this alert to keep our kidneys healthy.  We also want to keep our weight in balance (scales) and our moods in balance (New Moon) so we don't blow situations out of proportion.  Later in October, Mercury RX travels back into Libra too.  Last but not least take good care of your pancreas so you don't suffer from blood sugar imbalances now.  Libra types especially receive this warning because you are likely to experience diabetes if you overindulge in sugary foods. Make sure you drink enough water, cover your body in cold, damp and windy conditions.  On the relationship front, watch for your sh

October 8, 2014 Total Lunar Eclipse--Warrior Moon Breakthrough

Wikipedia Lately, the Knights of Templar have swum in my thoughts.  I wasn't sure why and then I saw the Total Lunar Eclipse for October 8, 2014.  This Full Moon joins a Grand Fire Trine (Jupiter in Leo, Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus conjunct Moon in Aries).  Venus, North Node and Sun in Libra oppose the Moon and forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn. With all these planetary players involved I'm posting the Lunar Eclipse post early.  Let's break down the various components and solve the mystery of the Knights of Templar hanging out in my brain space.   While I'm not going to give you a history lesson of the Knights of Templar, I ask you to Google this group of spiritual warriors and read about their light, shadows and downfall initiated by the Roman Catholic Church.  You can also read Dan Brown's books if you want a fictional version. The images I have received are of bravery as well as, courage during the downfall when the knights were rounded up by the

Astrological Forecast for October 2014--Balance and Poise

Photo by Patricia Herlevi Fire and Air dominate October.   Challenging aspects include Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra, Pluto moving into a square with Uranus and a Jupiter-Saturn Square.  On the plus side Venus travels into her own sign Libra sextiling an adventurous Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo, but opposing Uranus in Aries. The biggest challenge is keeping our wits about us when the firestorms kick up.  And they will with this lineup. We start off the month with a wide conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Libra.  Neptune crashes the party in the beauty parlor when the planet inconjuncts both the Sun and Venus. Are we not looking beneath the surface?  Are we placing too much emphasis on conventional beauty and focusing too much on symmetrical perfection? Are we having problems making decisions because we don't see the truth revealed in our situations?  To complicate this, Mercury in Scorpio goes retrograde on the 4th adding to the confusion.  From the 11th unti

Jupiter in Leo--A Year of Living Dangerously Selfish

When I noticed the Jupiter in Leo transit coming up, I thought that either humanity would open its collective heart chakra and bring healing to the world.  Or humanity would slip into hedonistic and selfish behavior.  Sadly, the later is the case and we've only just begun the transit. Leo represents in its most positive heartfelt actions and emotions; generosity, entertainment, creativity, and getting in touch with our inner child.  The negative traits of Leo include melodrama, selfishness, arrogance, hedonistic behavior, narcissism, materialism, consumerism, and hogging the proverbial stage because 15 minutes of fame is not enough for Leo. Jupiter expands what it touches and like Leo is represented by Fire.  Jupiter is the life of the party, the adventurer who lives to extremes. Jupiter expands waistlines and waxes philosophies without backing up those words with action.  Jupiter favors idealism, higher education, religion and foreign travel.  When Jupiter lands in an indivi

Love and Gratitude

Moon over Bellingham by Patricia Herlevi Thank you for continuing to visit Whole Astrology.  You keep me grinning during a challenging time.

Pisces Full Moon on September 8, 2014

La Luna by Patricia Herlevi Just a quick note the Pisces Full Moon occurring on September 8 promises spiritual treasures as well as, prosperity for people with prominent Water and Earth elements in their Natal Charts.  Look for Natal Planets in Water and Earth Signs at 11 to 21 degrees.  The Full Moon is at 16 degrees Pisces will trine Saturn in Scorpio, sextile Pluto in Capricorn and conjunct Chiron in Pisces. I was born with a Pisces disseminating Moon so I will definitely feel this Moon as it trines my Natal Neptune in my 10th/MC, conjuncts my Natal Chiron and sextiles my Natal Jupiter in the 4th House.  I will finally land in a healthy home! I will write more later when I get a chance.