
Showing posts from December, 2012

Taking it up an Octave (the personal planets)

photo by Patricia Herlevi A Musical Analogy to the Planets I had no idea what I would blog about this week, then an astrologer, Tai, on the Linked In group Soul Astrology referred to the nodes as a "higher octave".  The concept of describing the lower and higher octaves of each planet popped into my thoughts. Even though many people scoff at astrology and don't believe that the planets have any power over their lives, they don't realize that they either resonate with the planets at a lower or higher octave. When we resonate at a higher octave with the Sun we feel centered, selfish in a good way, and we feel bright, warm, charming, and attractive (in the sense that we manifest our desires in our lives).  When it comes to creative pursuits, we are at the top of our game and might even feel like we're on a winning streak. We might even feel like we're just floating through life, getting along with everyone and we feel an abundance of joy. When we resona

Quantum Astrology

I jumped on the quantum physics train in 2001 when I first heard about it, or possibly sooner than that.  Who can remember exact dates during this sped-up era? However, the law of attraction folks pulled me kicking and screaming, practically, towards their way of thinking.  I believe in astrology and I couldn't get my head around how astrology and law of attraction go together.  Could you imagine if law of attraction and astrology were two people on a date? Sparks would fly. Some astrologers believe that the planetary alignment that occurred during our birth shapes our destiny.  Predictive astrologers give us little leg room where as, evolutionary or transformational astrologers claim that we always have a choice about how we experience the planetary energies in our natal charts and transits.  Quantum physics, from the little I can figure out claims that we live within multiple universes or dimensions.  We live all our lives simultaneously and that anytime we're faced with

What's yod got to do with it, got to do with it?

photo by Patricia Herlevi Whether you are aware of it or not, everyone feels the effects of a yod in the universal chart.  This yod involves slow moving planets, with Jupiter moving at the speed of one astrological sign a year.  It currently travels through Gemini.  And our two favorite planets (heh, heh), Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio (already an intriguing combination), form a yod with Jupiter. I don't do mundane astrology (though I would like to), but you can witness the effects of this yod (which formed on December 13) in the news headlines.  Uranus (not part of the yod yet) went direct also on December 13 and the new moon in Sagittarius soon going into void-of-course and moving into Capricorn also took place on December 13, right after the momentous 12-12-12 energy and the dark moon in the Galactic Center.  And speaking of the Galactic Center, Mercury began its transit into GC on December 11 and Venus moves into the GC on December 16.  With so many planets mov

Define your element

Photo by Patricia Herlevi What I like most about astrology is its orderly system.  You have three qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable, four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, twelve houses and ten planets, if you don't count the micro planet Chiron or all those asteroids.  And another fun quality I discovered recently revolves around how the elements play out in charts and the qualities that bestows on the person with the chart. For instance if someone has over half their planets in the fire element, they are a Fire Starter, someone with a great deal of enthusiasm, passion and drive.  They came to this planet to inspire others, to light fires (hopefully in a good way), and to bring warmth and joy. photo by Patricia Herlevi Someone with half their planets in the water element, Conduits, soak everything in and color the world with emotions or feelings.  They are your psychic sponge who stay in touch with the cosmos.  If you need intuitive help, go to these folks. 

Surrendering to Saturn

Saturn has endured centuries of getting a bad rap from astrologers.  And when word of mouth gets out it can cause some serious damage to Saturn's reputation as the ringed planet.  Saturn is the disciplinary parent no kid wants.  Saturn says, "no, not yet, please wait," when we're rearing to go.  Saturn reminds me of the mother who gave good advice which we tossed only to find out later the misery we could have saved ourselves.   Saturn slows us down, trips us when we run in the wrong direction, and reminds us constantly of this annoying law of cause and effect.  Yes, if you stub your toe on your bed frame it hurts.  If you drive recklessly you'll most likely end up in an accident. If you eat poison you will suffer illness.  That Saturn. But here's the good news.  When we wish to slow down some processes in life such as an expanding waistline or credit card debt, Saturn helps us.  While Jupiter urges us to expand, and live a merry life, and Mars demands his